What to look for in a Stamping Tool

I was at an event this past weekend and had the opportunity to use a very popular stamping device. I'm sure much thought goes into the design of these tools. And this one in particular seemed to have thought of everything. But when using it, I stumbled through some design flaws. It's always nice to have the opportunity to use other platforms so you can be assured you are getting the one that works best for your needs.
I have tried several and I like my Nellie's Choice Stamping Buddy Pro, for starters it's the most economical one on the market. But it's value doesn't stop there. The consturction is second to none, no lose hinges, no cheap parts. The size is perfect for just about any project. No recessed stamping deck so paper size is not limited. I think what separates the "men from the boys" is the ever-present, rubber vs cling height difference and how to allow for it.
The Nellie Stamp Buddy Pro, in my opinion, has tackled this perfectly. They have a nice dense foam mat that you pop on the platform when using cling stamps. I say this is tackling it perfectly because as far as I know, this is the only device that takes into consideration that cling stamps stamp best on a soft surface, while rubber stamps best on a hard surface. This is "stamping 101" and yet everyone has missed the mark on this aspect.
Nellie's Stamping Buddy Pro uses a magnetic surface and comes with 2 magnets to hold your paper in place. Additonal magnets can be purchased.
If you are just starting your research on Stamping Devices, don't follow the crowd and get a particular one because it seems to be the popular choice.
That is my experience, for what it's worth :-).
*Please note: the Stamping Buddy Pro is only available in Canada at this time.